Monday, September 19, 2011

Tribal elders, traditionalists seek to oust Cedric Cromwell for financial abuses

Thousands of dollars in credit card expenses for limousines and country club meals lobbying for casino cash by Cedric Cromwell has Mashpee Wampanoag tribe members seething!  Other financial records are still being kept secret from the tribe with members complaining to the feds demanding an investigation and are calling for Crush the Competition Cromwell's ouster.

Meanwhile Cromwell is being accused of attempting to change the Mashpee Wampanoag charter to privatize the tribe and lock in his ownership of any potential future casino cash in cahoots with his Malaysian gambling syndicate partners at Genting.  Perhaps he'll have a place on the board for Governor Patrick and Senator Therese Murray for all their assistance.

ReelWamps tells the story here:


  1. Cedric Cromwell, our very own "Emperor Jones." Hope you don't mind sleeping on the ground. Them hounds is on yer heels!

    Apologies to Eugene O'neill...

  2. It's even worse than can be told.And the interest on Cedric's Good Times is 15% .

  3. Is it true that Council Member's know about the Tribal credit card charges and did not say anything because they are employed by Cedric or getting paid off by him. Shame on them .

  4. Someone from the Mashpee Wampanoag tribe needs to STEP UP & TAKE ONE FOR THE TEAM. Eliminate this Monster & make the tribal council membership a NON PAYING Job. You Don't see any of the Elders getting paid and their only interest is "Whats Best For The Tribe" GREED IS BAD & THE GREEDY ONLY GET GREEDIER.

  5. just read about the First Lady(ha ha) of the tribe . She should be put off the Council.She has already been sanctioned by the Council once because of RUN FOR RECOGNITION funds missing oh yeah she ran short that month.She should have been put off and not allowed to run for office or hold a job with the tribe. Just goes to show her background.
